Aims and Scope

We plan to read our way through Cooper's edition of Plato's complete works, at a rate of five pages per day, every day, starting on February 1, 2011. Every day, we will try to post something, even if it is only a simple report that we have read pages n to n+4.

The "five pages per day" are counted as five standard pages, not five Stephanus pages. If, on any given day we are less than five pages from the end of a dialogue, then we will just read to the end of that dialogue for that day, and not start reading the next dialogue.

Whoever feels inspired first writes the post for that day, giving the relevant title and Stephanus page range, and the page range in Cooper's pagination as well. Other readers put in their two cents in the comments.

We invite readers to read along with us, and to post comments also.

And after we're done ... Reading Aristotle Together?